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WordPress Theme Installation

Dodane przez
  • Osoba prywatna
100zł - 500zł

Opis projektu

I am looking for a skilled WordPress developer to assist me in installing and setting up a theme for my website. The theme has been purchased, and I need someone to ensure a smooth installation process.


  1. Proficient in WordPress theme installation and customization.
  2. Experience with various WordPress themes.
  3. Knowledge of best practices for theme setup and configuration.
  4. Ability to troubleshoot and resolve any compatibility issues.
  5. Good communication skills for project updates.


  1. Install and activate the purchased WordPress theme.
  2. Configure the theme settings to match the demo or specific requirements.
  3. Ensure proper functionality of all theme features.
  4. Address any compatibility issues with existing plugins or content.
  5. Provide documentation on the theme setup for future reference.

Wymagane umiejętności

Złóż ofertę

Ustaw swoją kwotę oferty
Ustaw swój czas realizacji w dniach
Opisz swoją propozycję